Our Mission
Quick Law Group’s mission is to provide trusted and superior legal and business counsel to our clientele. We treat your enterprise as gently as if it were our own, providing efficient and practical legal and business solutions that allow you keep your focus on your company’s growth and development where it belongs.
Your Business LifeCycle from a Legal Perspective
Nothing in life is as exciting or nerve wracking as those first early days, when your company is something more than an idea but not quite yet a business. It's not unusual for new business owners to be unsure of the next steps to establish their organization as its own legal entity-or to make costly and unnecessary mistakes while they're trying to figure it out.
At Quick Law Group, we've spent years helping future business owners determine the best structure for their business, register their business name, obtain the necessary licenses and permits, protect their...
Potential Exit
There are many reasons for a client to be looking for an exit strategy. Perhaps they want to go in another direction, or a partnership isn't working as expected, or the market or location isn't as rich as they might have hoped.
Regardless of the reason, we'll help you sell, merge or dissolve your business to its best advantage through creation of a sale or merger agreement, creating and filing the appropriate dissolution documents, ...
Your business is thriving, you've carved out a place in the market and you're ready to spread your wings. That means buying and selling assets, deciding when and how to enter into partnerships, mergers, acquisitions, leveraged buy outs and raising further capital. Quick Law Group will work with you to take the guess work out of determining the most advantageous options for your business. Then we'll move forward to protect you from loss while still giving your business its best chance to grow as large as you want it to be.
The years of business maturity are a time to examine your company's corporate governance, shareholder agreements and stock trade, investments, corporate responsibility and continued opportunities for growth and expansion. Quick Law Group will use its network and experience on your behalf to help you round out your company's profile and avoid the stagnation that so often attacks companies at this stage in their life.
Growth & Establishment
The first steps are done. The documents have been filed, you're open for business. What comes next?
From this point forward, our focus is on helping you carve out a spot in your industry. The Quick Law Group is here to help you establish employee, vendor and nondisclosure agreements, as well as shareholder agreements and equity incentive programs if you decide to take your business public. ...
Welcome! I’m Jeff Quick, founder of the Quick Law Group.
My career began with an accounting degree from the University of Colorado in 1993, followed by graduating cum laude from Harvard Law in 1997. After graduation I worked for four years as an attorney with the firms of Davis Graham & Stubbs and Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison, then another year as an in house attorney for Tapestry Pharmaceuticals, Inc. out of Colorado.
I first opened the doors to The Quick Law Group in 2003 because after years of working in high profile firms, I wanted to do something different. I wanted my clients to be more than just a number on a spreadsheet, bounced around from attorney to attorney. I believed and still do that all companies deserve the resources and expertise of a large firm with the personal attention you can only get when you work with a small firm.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.